Stolen Lunches Bible Study

Conviction vs Condemnation



Have you ever done something wrong and immediately felt horrible about it?  This feeling is okay.  It's called a conviction. This is a beautiful, gentle, nudge of the Holy Spirit correcting you.   The difference between a conviction and condemnation is if you dwell on how wrong you are for a lengthy period of time. God immediately forgave you the second you messed up.  Why can't you forgive yourself?  Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do. -Voltaire   Stolen Lunches is a bible study community of believers.  We hold men, women, and couples bible studies.  We have annual retreats, missions trips and weekly prayer calls.  You can join us from anywhere in the world.  Sign up for our newsletters & stay connected.   Steal away with us and be fed by God~ Stolen Lunches.