Stolen Lunches Bible Study

Enjoy the Quality of Life



Stop  and smell the roses today.  If you don't take the time to slow down, God will slow you down.  The most beautiful things in life are absolutely FREE, how are you spending your most precious moments?  When was the last time you took a walk with a friend?  Do you spend intentional time with your family?  When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? Don't move around so fast that you miss out on the blessings God is showering upon you.  Enjoy a quality, well balanced lifestyle.   After all, life is meant to be enjoyed.   The quality of life is more important than life itself. -Alexis Carrel   Stolen Lunches is a bible study community of believers.  We hold men, women, and couples bible studies.  We have annual retreats, missions trips and weekly prayer calls.  You can join us from anywhere in the world.  Sign up for our newsletters & stay connected.   Steal away with us and be fed by God~ Stolen Lunches.