Soul Pods With Tenille Bentley

DCTV Interview with Tyler Tolman



About Tyler Tolman: When he was growing up in Spokane, Washington, he was the kid with boundless energy-always running around and playing outside with his friends. As he was growing up, he never really became ill like all my friends, even though he didn’t have any vaccinations. As a result, he became sceptical about doctors and the medical establishment, and began to consider the concept of whether it was actually better for his health to simply lead a natural lifestyle. he started to eat only natural super foods, raw foods and vegan food noticing that whilst many of his friends started to put on weight, he stayed healthy and active. THE SUMMER OF CHANGE At the age of 12, he spent the whole summer with his father who lived on 200-acre farm in Salem, Missouri. It was the best summer of his life. His father - Don Tollman, taught him about a different way of life and he started him off on his spiritual journey. His father would hold retreats for groups of people and teach them about how the body is a