Elite Business Academy Podcast

#20 How To Prevent Coronavirus Destroying Your Business



We are now doing business in an ever-changing world. Who could have predicted a worldwide pandemic hitting us in 2020? The Coronavirus outbreak has brought the economy to its knees and we believe the negative impact this will have on businesses is still yet to come. This is not the time to keep your fingers crossed and just hope for the best. It’s time to take ownership, accountability and responsibility of your business so the negative impact isn’t too hard hitting when the full force of it finally reaches you. Listening to this podcast Craig will show you how to eliminate your fears, concerns and worries about what you can do to keep your business safeguarded and prospering during this difficult time. Craig guides you through the 3 most fundamental areas in your business that are relevant to master right now. These are: Cash & Finance Products & Services Marketing He also speaks to you about looking after your mental health and wellbeing during testing times. Our members health and wellbeing a