Chimp Foot.

Line In The Sand



Read on for lyrics, instrument tracks, licensing, and more. If you like this song, do the right thing, share it with your friends and online. # Other Material Get the karaoke version as well as all the individual instrument recordings from: # Lyrics Shirt and tied, as I take my ride, my life becomes my cell, Pens and screens, and dirty canteens, are the staples of this hell, Living through this ain't no bad life to do this, if it weren't for this one guy, Who seems to take his inner hitler, and try to burn it my eyes, And then he walks right over, on a day when I just don't care, I taste my fear, as my blood boils clear, I promised myself that I won't be scared, He grabs me the collar, and he pulls me to his face, He tells me what hes gonna do, and I say "you will step away" He looks me right in the eyes, Now's the time to draw your line in the sand, And I say "Back right up, get out of my way" Back right up, or you will see, Back right u