2 Brown Sheeps

episode 19: Skin Heads, Whitney Houston and Thriving in Racist Russia feat. Julie Owono



Pojalosta! In this episode, I speak to one of my dearest friends, Julie Owono, about the time she spent in Russia, in Moscow, where we both became friends in a tiny French school. It was a time like no other, where our parents worried about skinheads roaming the streets and us being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Julie's fascinating account of the relationship between Russia and the African continent; about our absurd encounter with a bashful skinhead and how it has shaped racism for us is not to be missed. Julie Owono is a lawyer and the Executive Director of Internet Without Borders where she focuses on Rights and Freedoms in the digital space, and develops the organization globally. She regularly writes columns for various publications, including Al Jazeera English and Quartz, on issues related to politics, law and innovation in the Gulf of Guinea. She often appears as a Gulf of Guinea expert on International TV channels (France 24 English, BBC World, Russia Today, Huff Post Live, etc.)