
Adonis Archontides



Adonis Archontides (b. 1991) is a Cypriot artist whose work and research explores the construction of the self, truth and memory. An avid gamer and comic book enthusiast, Archontides has lived vicariously through the life of hundreds of fictional characters from a very young age. The artist's most recent project utilises The Sims games engine to spawn various selves who are also operating as artists within the art world. These Adonises illustrate the shortcomings and vices of artistic production, the art market and self realisation in a post capitalist and imminently post-physical society. Adonis and Adonis have solo exhibited at Seventeen (New Year, New You, 2019), on his personal account on Instagram (#instagramresidency, 2018) and more recently at DriveDrive's TestDrive platform (Emotional Sculptures, 2019). Archontides has also participated in group shows (amongst others) at NiMAC (The Presence of Absence, or the Catastrophe Theory, 2018), S:2F2 (Share IRL Phase 2: The Anxiety Primer, 2018), Garage (Ecs