Northern Lives

Episode 1 - Let's Talk About Health and Wellness



Welcome to Northern Lives, the official podcast of Northern Lights Public Schools! In our premier episode, we're taking a look at two creative and valuable resources that can help you and your children increase your physical and mental health. First, we speak to Mike Bouchard, creator of Run for Stuff, an app that rewards you with discounts on your favourite athletic products when you're active. After Mike tells us about Run for Stuff, we learn about the Bonnyville Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinic from Northern Lights Public Schools' Director of Learning - Inclusive Education and Community Supports, Janice Fulawka. The clinic is a collaborative mental health facility aimed at helping school-aged children receive more personalized mental healthcare. Thanks for listening to Northern Lives! If you're a member of the Northern Lights community and think that what you're doing should be featured on the show, or if you just want to get in touch with us, send us an email at or tr