Ask Y

Episode 1 "WELCOME"



Welcome to my Podcast titled ASK Y. In this podcast I will be touching upon many interesting and thought provoking topics that deal with career, education, politics, leadership, life, love, dating, personal empowement and more. In addition I will have a segment in which listeners are able to ask me for advice on various issues they may be facing. As a global speaker, author, educator and enrepreneur I get so many emails, texts, phonecalls with people asking advice on issues that they are going through and I started to see that although the people asking the questions come from different walks of life...the questions were all very similar. The number question I always got was “How do you balance it all” or “How do you brand yourself”, so the best way to answer these questions is by giving you my thoughts and advice through this forum that will be able to reach everyone. My hope is that through listening to my podcast you are able to better equip to put your besl self forward. #askyetunde