Busy Works

Meet Billiejane & Mykeyla of Papertrail Magazine



WHAT IS UP NUGGETS! So So So very excited/happy to have the esteemed Papertrail Mag in the building for this episode. Founded in early 2017 by Billyjane, Papertrail is a print publication that focuses on providing a standard defying platform for creatives within "underground culture" . They are on the pulse of what is going on in almost every aspect of creativity from art to modeling and continue to make waves in the journalism industry not only in NY but abroad as well. We talk about the journey with the Mag, what "underground culture" really means, Kanye's most recent shenanigans, sexual assault within youth cutlure, and a ton more! ____ Slide into our DM @papertrailmag (Instagram) @papertrailmag_ (twitter) @billiejanes (instagram) @healingisneeded (instagram) @billiejanes_ (twitter) @belowtheborough (instagram) @PhotoGraffer (twitter) @busyworksradio (twitter/Instagram) @angryblak7 ( Twitter) @angryblak (instagram) ____ Subscribe to Busy Works on Soundcloud for more interviews and potent regular conent