Kings Oracle

Remember Your Dream || Rev. Justin Sabu || Zion Church, Dallas



Just because you gave up doesn't mean God gave up. Your dream may be buried, but the good news is that it's still alive. It's not too late to see it come to pass. We've all been through disappointments and setbacks. Life happens. But instead of remembering the hurt, the pain or what didn't work out, the key to reaching your destiny is to remember your dream. Remember what God promised you. Remember what He whispered to you in the middle of the night. The scripture calls it "the secret petitions of our heart," the things you haven't told anybody about. It may seem impossible. Every voice tells you that it's not going to happen. You've been pushing it down, but God is saying, "What I promised you, I'm still going to do. I spoke it to you. It may not have happened yet, but I am true to My Word. It is on the way."