Trash & Treasures

PRIDE MONTH: Kissing Jessica Stein - The Lesbian Phase Movie



This one is so bad Dorothy and Vrai couldn't ask anyone else to be involved. It would've been cruel. Yes, marvel at the go-to example of the lesbian phase movie, complete with the myth of "lesbian bed death." It's a real shame this isn't the podcast with the booze. For bonus points, this is quite the snapshot of a pre-9/11 America (oh yes, you bet this is a "New York is the center of the universe' movie). CONTENT WARNING for discussion of homophobia and gold star bullshit. 1:00 Background Info 6:00 Critical Reception 11:00 90s New Yorker Problems 17:00 The Newspaper Ad 22:00 Politics of the Closet 31:00 "Lesbian Bed Death" 39:00 Successfully Got That Dick 45:00 A Terminal Lack of Gay in the Queer RomCom 52:00 Should You Watch This Say hi to Dorothy and Vrai on Twitter @writervrai and @dorothynotgale Join us every two weeks on Soundcloud, iTunes or Stitcher – and if you’d leave a rating and review, so that more people can find their way to us, we’d appreciate it!