Trash & Treasures

Stardust - The "Old Gaiman Nerds" Power Hour



The post-LOTR fantasy boom was a strange time. It inspired Hollywood to pick up dozens of fantasy novels and cram them into three-act Hollywood adaptations whether or not much remained of the original work by the end. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it...really, really didn't. Wow, this movie hates women more than we remembered, huh? CONTENT WARNING for discussion of sexual assault, slavery and misogyny That Good Omens Meta Dorothy Threatened: 1:00 Gaiman History 9:00 The Mid-00s Fantasy Boom 18:00 Nice Guy Tristan 23:00 Wacky Murder Shenanigans 27:00 All Bicker, No Charm 37:00 So....Shakespeare 47:00 Third Act Misunderstanding 53:00 Brand New Ending 60:00 AND ONE MORE THING 67:00 Should You Watch This Say hi to Dorothy and Vrai on Twitter @writervrai and @dorothynotgale Join us every two weeks on Soundcloud, iTunes or Stitcher – and if you’d leave a rating and review, so that more people can find their way to us