Absolutely Alphas

Dirtbag Jovishes Exclusive Interview - Miami's Most Hated



**Go to our YouTube page to watch!** Click ------> https://youtu.be/EDQBUxNNv6o The Alphas interview a veteran in the game, the talented Dirtbag Jovishes. Hailing from Dade County, tune in to find out where he has been and what's new and upcoming for the artist. We tap into his beef with Rick Ross and some personal struggles the artist has recently faced. He has lots to share and the energy was fantastic. Thanks for tuning in. Below is a link to his latest album, 'Miami's Most Hated'. Also there's a link to his merch and all of our link as well. Be sure to share your thoughts, like and subscribe everywhere! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDtBpK_YQm8UtE1MqQ8KRnOr66VctXOAS https://dirtbagmerch.bigcartel.com/ Links: **Also on all major streaming platforms not listed (i.e. iTunes)** NEW APP ALERT (send us $$/tips) https://www.himalaya.com/Society%20&%20Culture-podcasts/Absolutely%20Alphas-303980 https://www.patreon.com/AbsolutelyAlphas https://www.facebook.com/groups/17559... https://www