Trash & Treasures

Ginger Snaps - One for All the Teenage "Weird Girls"



Entry two in our exploration of the werewolf genre is a big ol' puberty metaphor and a fantastic celebration of being weird, goth, and just a little bit pretentious as a teenager. Not to mention the great acting. CONTENT WARNING for discussion of sexual assault, queerphobia, animal death, and mass shootings 1:00 Production Info 7:00 The Role of Women in Horror 10:00 Here's to Weird Girls 18:30 Werewolf Puberty 20:30 Columbine's Effects 24:00 The Horror of Bodies 30:00 Men as Predators and Victims 39:00 Oops, It Escalated 49:00 Lost and Buried Threads 54:00 The Longest Final Battle 58:00 Should You Watch This Say hi to Dorothy and Vrai on Twitter @writervrai and @dorothynotgale Our icon was designed by Allison Shabet. Get bonus episodes on our Patreon: Join us every two weeks on Soundcloud, iTunes or Stitcher – and if you’d leave a rating and review, so that more people can find their way to us, we’d appreciate it!