Trash & Treasures

Blood & Chocolate - A Different Kind of Wish Fulfillment



"Wait, wasn't this week supposed to be Good Manners?" Weeeeeeell, we ran into a little trouble. Mostly in that Good Manners isn't about LADY werewolves. Instead, we decided to take a look at Blood & Chocolate, a movie based on a popular proto-YA novel in that it shares some character names. It might not be a GOOD movie, but it managed to surprise us with its rejection of toxic masculinity in a genre known for dickweed alpha males. CONTENT WARNING for discussion of stalking, sexual assault, animal death, racism and incest/pedophilia. Good Manners Article: 0:30 About Good Manners... 4:00 The Source Book 7:30 Creepy Incest Uncle 15:00 This Nice Art Boy 20:00 Pack Drama 34:00 Checking in on Bookland 41:00 Wish Fulfillment vs. Toxic Masculinity 48:00 Should You Watch This Say hi to Dorothy and Vrai on Twitter @writervrai and @dorothynotgale Our icon was designed by Allison Shabet. Get bonus episodes on our Pa