Trash & Treasures

The Devils - Banned for Nun Orgies (feat. a Bibliography)



For our final October outing into horny horror (and if this movie isn't horror, we don't know what is), we looked at beloved cult classic and infamous banned film The Devils, which has been unavailable in its complete, uncensored form more or less since its filming in 1971. Buckets of criticism, including multiple books, have been written on the film, so we tried to tackle a subject we hadn't seen discussed much: how the women of The Devils are treated, both the actors and the historical figures on whom the film is supposedly based. We read books for this one! CONTENT WARNING: Discussion of sexual assault, sexual harassment, misogyny, religious abuse, torture, ableism, medical abuse, body horror. Hell on Earth documentary: 1:00 To Set the Scene 4:30 A Possession at Loudon 12:00 Father Grandier, Shithead 17:00 Content Warnings 20:00 About Those Horny Nuns 26:00 And the Women Who Played Them 31:00 The Acceptable Masculinity 37:00 Legacy and Witchcraft 44:00 The