Trash & Treasures

Magic Mike - Use Abs to Market Toxic Masculinity Movie, ???, Profit



The sequel's still better. We revisit the weird double image of Magic Mike, a "quiet lives of desperation" dance movie that was marketed almost solely based on its five or six minutes of male strip revues. Which both sells the subtler moments of the script short and disguises the unmasked contempt that the film overall has for women. It's...well, listen. There's a reason we're covering it here. CONTENT WARNING: Discussion of toxic masculinity, misogyny, sexual assault, racism, whorephobia, classism, biphobia, and Matthew McConaughey 1:00 Production Info 12:00 Class in 2012 15:00 About That Misogyny 25:00 SHAME SPIRAL feat. Biphobia 32:00 Toxic Masculinity Central 37:00 The Alleged Happy Ending 47:00 Should You Watch This ay hi to Dorothy and Vrai on Twitter @writervrai and @dorothynotgale Our icon was designed by Allison Shabet. Get bonus episodes on our Patreon: Join us every two weeks on Soundcloud, iTunes or Stitcher – and if you’d leave a rating and review, so that m