Andrea Dupuy Podcast

Ep 105 The secret to changing destructive habits



Welcome to another episode of Andrea Dupuy Podcast, A place where I can share life experience and my professional experience, tips & tricks for you to become the best version of yourself, to feel energized every day of your life! Today I'm sharing how I changed a few habits that were draining me, making me feel tired, all the time and overwhelmed, to feeling energized and inspired every single day :) Some of our habits are either constructive or destructive. But even thou you may be aware of these habits, changing it can be challenging. But, if you know what you want and why you want to change it, it will help you stay focused every day. I hope this podcast will inspire you to take the next step to move your life forward! Let me know your takeaways from this podcast episode by leaving me a comment or DM me on IG :) Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast and show me some love by leaving a review on iTunes and a 5 star. It would mean the world to me :) Join her FREE Facebook group: www.faceboo