Andrea Dupuy Podcast

Ep 111 - Take the ownership of your life



Hello Friends Today's podcast is all about taking responsibility of your choices, actions and reactions to things in your life. We all have challenging situations in our lives, where we can't control what is going to happen, but we do have control of how we will respond to the situation. The choice you make (either good or bad) will have consequences that you are responsible for it. When you learn to accept it you become more empowered to make different choices each time that will change your entire life. What s one thing in your life that you have been working on so hard for the past few months? Have you make any changes? If yes, what you done differently this time? If no, what are your other options to make a change? I would love to hear your feedback on this episode, and if you would like to share with me your takeaways by emailing me at that would mean the world to me :) I hope you will find this podcast helpful to you and if you feel like it might benefit a friend of your