Way We Work Podcast with Brendon Schrader

Elaine Pofeldt and the Million-Dollar One-Person Business



When you think about businesses with a single employee, you probably think about modest scale and limited earnings. But who says a very small business can’t hit the big time? Elaine Pofeldt is a journalist specializing in entrepreneurship and careers. She is the author of The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business, a look at how everyday Americans are breaking $1 million in revenue, with no employees besides the owners. A former senior editor at Fortune Small Business magazine, Elaine has written about entrepreneurship for leading publications such as Fortune, Money, Inc. Magazine, and many others. In this episode, I talk to Elaine about solopreneurs who are defying expectations, the pursuit of a great work life and lifestyle, and the recipe for building a million-dollar business without all the overhead. Take a listen to my conversation with Elaine Pofeldt.