Morgan Stanley Ideas Podcast

Living Together, Separately



In the future, we’ll all still need a place to live. But as rents continue to rise and the housing market changes, we might need to adjust our vision of home. Instead of living in a tiny, expensive apartment or funneling our savings into a down payment for a single-family home, we might choose to live together for the sake of space, money, and, above all else, community. This type of housing model, known as co-living, has existed throughout history, but new iterations of co-living are becoming real housing options for all different types of people across the globe. In this episode of ​Ideas, ​we’re going to explore different versions of co-living to understand why it might help solve some of the housing market’s greatest challenges.We’ll start in London at The Collective: Old Oak, the world’s largest co-living complex, where young, mobile workforce is learning “how to have it all”—community, leisure, and an apartment in one of the world’s most expensive cities—by trading in personal space for communal lu