Turning Inward With Dr. Vivian Carrasco

The Risk of Following Your Heart



Today, we have another heart to heart conversation with Char, Nancy and Vivian! We never know where these conversations are going to take us, but we are always impacted and enriched by the conversation.   Our lives have a format, almost a cadence to them that we don’t always understand. But in the same way that the spaces between music notes are as much a part of the music as the notes are, the punctuation in our lives adds to our stories. Join us as we dig in and see where we will end up.   Show Highlights:   Space is important in written word and even in music. With spoken word, we tend to want to fill every space. It isn’t often that we get to have conversations where have the space to think and adapt. All participants of a conversation aren’t always wanting the same thing out of the conversation. The written word allows us to have the opportunity to edit our thoughts and words. When you are with the right people, interruptions can be ok and aren’t always unwelcome. Vivian finds herself grateful for poetr