Turning Inward With Dr. Vivian Carrasco

Reignite and Practice Your Own Creativity



Creativity is the key to all change in our lives. As we move through transitional phases, finding ways to channel our energy and explore ourselves through a creative outlet is the best thing we can do for ourselves. In this episode, Vivian explores the importance of creativity in seasons of growth. She discusses what it means to find a way of being that is an embodied practice and how to be open to the flow of creativity. Join Vivian in this episode to reignite and practice your own creativity.  Show Highlights:  Why creative expression is a practice to explore during growth periods  Moving through transformations Why loving ourselves should always come first  How finding your creative potential is the key to your growth  Getting to a place of unshakable confidence and pure peace  Emerging into your better self through collaboration with others  Rediscover your creative potential  Establishing a personal practice to build your creativity  Links:  https://viviancarrasco.com