Word Outreach Podcast - Encouragement In Christianity With Rudy Vaughan

The Resurrection: 3 Kinds of Evidence, Part 3



Episode 005 - The 3rd Kind of Supporting Evidence.  I hope you have enjoyed the episodes on the resurrection evidence of Christ. Today, we finish up the series as we look at the evidence that gets it's credibility from eye witness testimony. This includes a look at the two theories that say the disciples only thought they saw a resurrected Christ.  Also, in today's episode: it's almost Christmas! In the last half we have 4 missionaries who talk to us about Christmas in Poland, Brazil, South Korea and Uganda.  If you happen to be finding this episode during another time of the year, I have put the resurreciton evidence in the first half of the podcast for you, so you don't have to listen to the Christmas parts if you don't want to.   I hope you enjoy today's episode.