Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#19 Etiquette Rules!... with Rachel Isgar



#19 Etiquette Rules!... with Rachel Izgar Interview Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again. Sit up straight. Put your fork on the left and your knife on the right. It's etiquette time. Today's guest is Doctor Rachel Izgar who owns the company, "Please Pass the Manners." Today more than ever it is important for young adults and children to understand how to communicate with confidence to create a great impression. Right? We in this value packed interview we don't only talk about table manners, but we talk about business etiquette and how to make yourself stand out. Rachel is mother of 4 and a professional educator who conducts seminars for: corporate clients, international business students, educational foundations, private groups and of course children's workshops in etiquette programs. busy join me in welcoming Please enjoy a very honest and inspiring interview with Dr. Rachel Izgar. (https://clicktotweet.com/dashboard)Biz Etiquette Rules!... with Dr. Rachel Izgar 
 We talked about: Rachel