Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#31 7 Time Saving Tips for Video



Today we talk about how to free up time in your business so you can make creating videos a #1 priority in your marketing strategy. And then I go deeper and share with you 6 more video tips on how creating video for your brand isn't as time-consuming as you may think. First, here are 50 ways to free up time for whatever it is you think is important for you to do in your biz....   1. Set Goals 2. Create a Plan 3. Prioritize by Importance. 4. Prioritize by Urgency 5. Break Down Large Tasks 6. Be Realistic 7. Track Your Time 8. Set Deadlines 9. Keep One Eye on the Clock 10. Set Reminders 11. Schedule Breaks 12. Schedule Time for Email and Social Media 13. Use a Central Social Media Management System 14. Avoid Distractions 15. Stick to One Task at a Time 16. Batch Tasks 17. Incentivize Tasks 18. Focus on Results 19. Don’t Stress Over Unimportant Details 20. Create Good Habits 21. Eliminate the Non-Essential 22. Use Email Filters and Archives 23. Limit Meetings 24. Hire a Virtual Assistant 25. Utilize a Project Ma