Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#34 Your Financial Time is Now



Today we are talking money. YOUR money. How to keep it, invest it and save it. Today's guest is Hilary Hendershott. Hilary Hendershott Financial is a financial coaching firm that provides live trainings, virtual programs, and one-on-one advising. Hilary shows women how to transform their money mindsets, shift their money habits, and build wealth so they can enjoy financial freedom. In today's podcast, Hillary proved to me that she is a financial planner who speaks our language to empower us women to make smart, safe and proactive financial moves. We covered so much info regarding spending habits, how to be successful with our money and how to invest. It was mind blowing. If you want to take one step closer to financial freedom, this is the podcast episode for you. Here's what we talked about: 1. The bad financial advice women should stop taking 2. Ways women can become better investors 3. Our own personal money beliefs 4. Why you’re not thriving financially 
 If you haven’t already done so, check out this pod