Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#35 What is My Comfort Zone?



"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." The Art of War by Sun Zoo     Today is an important subject because, if we understand it, we will know how to control its power, and use it to our advantage. We are going to talk about the enemy of everyone on this planet. The rock that blocks the road to success. The thing that stops everyone in their tracks...Our Comfort Zone. This nasty little comfort zone is responsible for so much stagnation in this world. Could you imagine if the Wright brothers didn't jump out of their comfort zone? Thank goodness they did. Listen to today's episode and you will learn how to "slide" outside of your own comfort zone. Here's what we talked about:    1. The science of your comfort zone. 2. Our neurophysiological system is rigged. 3. Your "Optimal Anxiety Zone," (the learning zone) is where you should spend most of your time. 4. How to turn your "Optimal Anxiety Zone" into a muscle. 5. How to strategically challenge yourself to sl