Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#41 Learn How to Wake Up Earlier. A Proven Method to Change Your Life.



Let’s commiserate. Don’t you HATE waking up early in the morning? And don’t ya hate those people that wake up at the crack of dawn? Those jogging overachievers who make 7 figure salaries & always seem to have a smile or their face? Well, let’s face it, they know the secret. They are members of the club. The Five Club. Yep, 5am baby. Membership has its benefits. These folks know the feeling of arriving at work & having the whole peaceful place to themselves. They rarely encounter traffic. They watch the sun rise. They wake to birds chirping. And every day they give themselves the most important gift on earth. The gift of time. Do you wanna be a member of the Five Club? Listen to this week's podcast. It will change your life for the better! I wish I knew this years ago... The direct benefits I have received from getting up earlier: I'm healthier from having the time to workout daily My body is more in tune with the earth’s circadian rhythms which offers more restorative sleep My business is even more su