Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#44 How to Define Your Own Success



Caroline Greene is a recovering lawyer, chronic overachiever and passionate truth-teller who loves helping women build whole lives that truly matter to them. Before she became a life and business coach, she was a stay-at-home mom of my two beautiful girls. And before that, she was a big-law litigator and former prosecutor. Needless to say, as a graduate of Yale University and the University of Virginia School of Law, she meant it when she said," I know what it feels like to get stuck into someone else’s definition of success." Most of her life was spent doing the next “right” thing. But then she hit a point when “right” wasn’t enough anymore. Caroline wanted more. Not more money or more fame or more prestige. But that intangible more. More joy. More laughter. More connection. More meaning. And She's been working on building a life that truly matters to her ever since. Today's show we will learn how to keep going, keep learning and keep facing our fears with humility, compassion, and curiosity. On this podcast