Rubberonion Animation Podcast

Episode 15 - Everything Is LEGO



"The LEGO Movie" blew our collective minds this weekend and we had to talk about it... a LOT! But don't worry there are absolutely NO spoilers at all in the discussion. We get into some interesting topics like metamodernism and the new comedy, selling out and how it's a crap concept, and the remix culture and understanding what the soul of a property is. Oh... and we had a WHOLE BUNCH OF TECHNICAL ISSUES! Man alive... for this being the most discussion we've ever had on any subject(s), this was a bad time to have audio go wonkey, mic problems, people cutting in and out. But ever the profession, I have edited this thing together in a Lynchian masterpiece of epic awesomesauce. If you ever leave a comment on one of our podcast episodes, this is the one to do it on. A lot going on here and we'd love to hear what you think! Oh and psst... little secret... stay for the very very end. Hashtag smiley face (that's me trying to understand young culture). CLICK HERE to go to the full blog post & leave a comment! Ann