Pushing The Edge With Greg Curran

Whole School Change with Ray Boyd - PTE014



In this episode, transforming the opportunities and outcomes for our students - through Whole School Change How do you get staff, students and the wider community onboard with change - especially when it requires significant shifts in thinking and practice? What role does mindset play? What are the tipping points, and how d'you navigate the resistance or opposition? Plus - your favourite segment - The Lightning Round returns as we Push The Edges of risk, comfort zones, and opposition. Our Guest, Ray Boyd, Principal of West Beechboro Primary School in Western Australia. SHOW-NOTES For Complete Show-Links and Resources go to PUSHING THE EDGE - EPISODE 14 There you'll find links to the Educators that supported the Whole School Change in Ray's School. Also check-out my Leadership Resources Page with Tips and Insights about Making Change Happen, Taking Care of You, Thriving, and Disrupting Comfort Zones. MORE GOOD LISTENING WITH PUSHING THE EDGE Rachael Lehr is one of the teaching staff at West Beec