Pushing The Edge With Greg Curran

Making a Difference by Not Playing It Safe with Greg Curran - Part 1 - PTE016



  Now normally I'm (Greg Curran) the host of this Podcast but over the next two episodes we're turning the tables. I'll be in the hot-seat answering questions posed by former Pushing The Edge guests (Sam Bates and Rusul Alrubail in this episode), with Rachael Lehr taking on the hosting role. Rachael's a classroom teacher and science specialist at West Beechboro Primary School in Western Australia. She was my guest in Episode 4 of Pushing The Edge. Together, we explore my journey towards Finding My Voice and Pushing The Edges in Education. There's also The Lightning Round, where we're Pushing The Edges of Activism, Innovation, Self-Talk and Down-Time. Plus my advice to my 13 year old self and a big search for lost keys. SHOW-NOTES For complete Show-Links and Resources go to PUSHING THE EDGE - EPISODE 16. LISTEN TO RELATED EPISODES OF PUSHING THE EDGE Click the links below to start listening to each episode: Pust Past Your Comfort Zone with Rachael Lehr - Show Host for this Episode. Pushing The Edge