Pushing The Edge With Greg Curran

Making Sport More Welcoming for Migrants with Michelle Hage - PTE030



Just imagine, you're a newly arrived refugee or migrant in an unfamiliar country: your new home. How do you build your self-confidence? How do you make new friends outside your community? And how do you start to feel more like a local? For the Refugee Council of Australia, SPORT is key. It's an important bridge to the new culture But what about the language barriers and dress codes for sports? And what about the opposition or resistance, both within and outside your community? Aren't these significant hurdles to overcome? Our guest Michelle Hage, from the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation, has practical insights and strategies in all these areas. Plus there's a few challenges to our presumptions along the way. We also chat about the importance of role models, and the link between diversity and growth for sports clubs. There's also the Lightning Round where we're pushing the edges of belonging, traditional sports, language and sport, participation, and mindset. And one last thing, Michelle's organisation T