Stay Wealthy San Diego

Home & Auto Insurance: How to Maximize Your Policies and Save Money



Homeowners insurance is more than just another bill the mortgage company makes us pay every year. It’s the price we pay for peace of mind if our property is damaged in a fire or destroyed by a natural disaster. Unfortunately, homeowners insurance isn’t cheap. And if you don’t take steps to mitigate the cost of this coverage, you could wind up paying A LOT more than you need to. Auto insurance isn’t any different. It’s costly but wildly important. The good news is you have more control over your policy than you might think. A few tweaks can save you hundreds of dollars per year and, more importantly, provide you and your family with more protection. In today’s episode, I’m going to share three things: How to optimize your policies by improving your coverage and reducing your costs Common pitfalls and how to avoid them Where to shop for insurance to make sure you are getting the best deal without putting yourself at risk Listen to today’s podcast episode to learn more! Show Notes & Links: www.youstaywealt