
41. Is Belief in Theistic Evolution a Salvation Issue?



Articles Against Theistic Evolution: Theistic Evolution Articles ( "Is it Necessary to Believe in a Literal Adam and a Literal Fall?" ( "Couldn't have God Used Evolution?" ( "Why Shouldn't Christians Accept Millions of Years?" ( Articles For Theistic Evolution: "Is Evolution a 'Salvation Issue'? The Bible is Clear, Despite Young Earth Creationist's (YEC's) Attempt to Muddy its Message"( "Is Evolution Unworthy of the God of the Bible and the Christian Faith?" ( Analysis Questions: What is theistic evolution? Can you be saved and go to heaven if you believe in theistic evolution? What dangers/theological problems is there in believing in theistic evolution? Is it possible that God could have used evolution to eventually create man? How does the following statement apply to the issue of theistic evolution? "Filling in where the text doesn't speak and speculating is not interpre