
52. The Lost Tomb of Jesus



The central claim of Christianity is that Jesus died for sins, was buried, and rose from the dead for our salvation.  Episodes 50 and 51 of Reconnect shared 14 evidences that indicate that Jesus did in fact rise from the dead confirming his claims to be God in the flesh, the savior of all men.  When faced with these evidences, not everyone comes to the conclusion that Jesus did rise bodily from the dead.  Alternative theories are thus offered to naturally explain the evidences.  Sometimes these theories offer evidence also.  This episode looks at an elaborate explanation for the empty tomb of Jesus that involves the theft and reburial of Jesus’ corpse in a different location, a location that that is speculated to have been found by the discovery of a family tomb that contained an ossuary with the name, “Jesus, Son of Joseph”, inscribed on it.  This theory was put forth by The Lost Tomb of Jesus, documentary that was produced by James Cameron.  Andy Wrasman plays audio clips from this documentary and offer