
72. Jesus is Pro-Life



Jesus said that he came to give life and to give it the full.  He also said that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10) It should be pretty obvious which side of the abortion debate Jesus stands and which side the devil hides. In this episode, James Conrad shares his family's personal experiences with multiple abortions and the tragic aftermath that these murders have left for the survivors in his family.  The good that has arisen from these horrendous loses of lives is that James' mother started a pro-life activism group who has fought relentlessly for the rights and lives of the unborn. James shares why all lives matter and why everyone has equal rights to life and how abortions are very harmful to women.  He also responds to the argument that abortions should be legal to save the life of the mother and gives some important advice on responding to several political questions that pro-life advocates often times encounter.