
75. A Different Kind of Baptism



Scripture mentions John’s baptism, Jesus’ baptism, baptism of water, baptism in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, baptism by fire, and baptism of the Holy Spirit.   Some of these descriptions are just different ways of describing the same type of baptism, and certainly most Christians would agree with this.   One particular denomination, the Assemblies of God, hold specific teachings about Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  Their denomination confesses that Baptism in the Holy Spirit is distinct and separate for water baptism and the new birth of a believer.  This baptism is the bestwoal of the Holy Spirit upon a believer that gives the believer certain spiritual gifts and a boldness to share the Gospel and an overflowing joy, or sense of the Spirit’s presence.  This baptism according to the Assemblies of God is recognized by the physical sign of speaking in tongues.  So if you haven’t spoken in tongues, it would mean you haven’t been baptized in the Holy Spirit.   Andy lays out what he think