Leading Girls With Wynter And Courtney

Mother Daughter Chat with Allie and Sandra Stanley (Ep 65)



Today's mother-daughter chat is with Allie and Sandra Stanley on the topic of emotions. Sandra and Andy Stanley founded North Point Ministries in 1995. She is a Georgia native and has lived in the Atlanta area since graduation from Georgia Tech in 1988.  Sandra and Andy have been married 31 years and have three children, ages 27, 25, and 23.  They also have a daughter-in-law, Danielle, and a 19-year-old foster daughter. Sandra is the author of two women’s studies—Comparison Trap and Breathing Room. Her ministry passion is promoting foster care in the local church.  Much of her time these days is spent in seminary classes though Dallas Theological Seminary, working on various writing projects, and continuing her involvement with Fostering Together – the foster care initiative at North Point Ministries.    Allie Stanley is originally from Milton, GA and graduated from Auburn University in 2018. She has a passion for serving students and was a middle school small group leader, a Young Life leader, a camp counsel