The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Doing The Right Thing (The FRONT #87)



Doing what is right, isn't always easy. Even when it comes to success which uses mostly simple principles in the climb. Simple doesn’t always translate to easy. In fact, ask any person that you view as successful and they will likely tell you on how to hit success, one of the primary drivers, “Just do the right thing.” You’ve heard people say that... it has probably been said to you throughout your life. As a child, then a teenager, and now in business. Michael J Fox said ~ "Discipline is just doing the same thing the right way whether anyone’s watching or not." He then goes on to say ~ "Do the right thing, and then do the right thing, and that will lead you to the next right thing after that." That statement, “Just do the right thing,” has both guided and haunted people. Even if now things go terribly wrong in business or in life – the answer… Just do the right thing. See, there is really no downside to doing what is right. Morally, ethically, and just in general in our lives. Ev