The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Being Deliberate (The FRONT #90)



Today we talk about being deliberate. Being on purpose. Living on purpose. I’ve talked about the idea of being deliberate before – in learning (The FRONT#41 & The FRONT #46), in attitude (The FRONT #63), and in other areas. But what does it actually mean to be deliberate about something? The definition of deliberate is carefully weighed and considered, intentional. It is being calculated in what you do. See so often people are just on cruise control – they are getting up and going but without clear definition. They are just … there. Many people haven’t thought beyond their next 5 minutes, let alone 30 days, or more. Social media is a prime example, people just post stuff, to post stuff. They don’t consider who it affects or how. OR what the longer-term result or outcome may be. There is not a reason behind the mention. Who does it benefit? Being deliberate takes thought and planning and then doing. In fact – here are three things that I think MUST happen, when we’re talking a