The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Coaching in the Moment. (The FRONT #92)



One valuable lesson that I learned from coaching youth sports, is some of the best lessons are taught on the spot. They are learned in the moment, in the NOW! Often in leadership, we strive for structure. We want to have a training session, or a one-on-one opportunity, or a plan to mentor someone. Plans are good, we need those – but just as valuable are the life lessons and real-life application that comes from the right now. For example – let’s equate this to sports. Football, I like football as an analogy for business and especially sales. When you are learning a new play. You plan the play, you maybe watch the play happen and then you DO the play, you execute it. Or at least attempt to. As running back, for example, your job is to run the ball and score points – that’s the core. Maybe the play coming up is for you to receive the ball and run right. You run left. About the time of that first left mis-step, the coach is yelling, the whistle blows, play stops – that coach, if they