The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Holding The Door (The FRONT #95)



Have you ever stopped in front of a building and watched the interactions at the door? I was walking out of a convenience store the other day, as a man moving slowly with a cane was approaching – my natural thought was then to step out and hold the door for this older gentlemen. That is when I thought of this episode. You see, some people hurry through the door.  Others hold the door for the people behind them.  What makes you decide to hold the door for the people behind you? When we hold the door for others, it makes it easier for them to get through. It makes things flow more quickly, not always for you, but for those coming behind you. And in most cases, you get a, “Thank you.” And if there are more people… there are more thank you’s. So… by doing the right thing for someone else, it also makes you feel good, even if only for a moment. What other interactions take place. How about not holding the door for the next person, why is that? Maybe we are in a hurry to get to where we