The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Love The Purpose More Than The Process (The FRONT #99)



  RECORDED ON YOUTUBE LIVE! You MUST love the purpose more than the process! I was training with some people this past week and this just came out. “Love the purpose more than the process.” ~ Mike Phillips Purpose is the WHY is something getting done. It’s the reason. Process is HOW. It’s the actual actions and steps to accomplish a task. Now at the time, we were talking about navigating through a sales call. What is the purpose of the sales call. Ultimately to serve the customer with enough connection and information that they agree to meet – in this case come in and look at a car. Then I started thinking – that applies to so many other areas of our life as well. So often we fall in love with the process of doing things. The WHY to get it done, rather than the HOW or WHAT needs to get done. Let’s look at several scenarios. Youth Sports – I have three kids in athletics. And as a former youth coach myself so often, I became wrapped up in the steps. But… what about the outcome? The