The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

You Must Be Open-Minded To Grow The Most (The FRONT #101)



If you want to have the most growth. You must have an open mind. I often think about what are our biggest opportunities to learn, and to grow, and to be further forward tomorrow than where we are at today. I think one of the most important traits that allows for efficient growth and human potential is open-mindedness. First, let’s define what open-minded is. Open-minded is being willing to consider new ideas. It’s being unprejudiced to how your current state is. AND here is a big one, it is caring enough about yourself to listen to others, even when the advice isn’t something you want to hear. Here is why I am sharing that. Often, we may ask others for advice but then, fail to accept what it is that they have to offer, especially if it doesn’t coincide with what we think we want. And sometimes, it isn’t that we are asking for advice, but for reinforcement of what we are already doing. Meaning, we want the other party to simply tell us we are doing great – so we can feel reinforced