The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Happy Father's Day + 3 Things I'm Thankful For (The FRONT #103)



Today, on this Father’s day episode of the FRONT... I just wanted to share the three things I am thankful for, my three kids: Colin, Carter, and Emersyn. And here are a few notes on what I am most proud of from each of them. Colin His character, he has a very strong moral compass, at 17 we trust him beyond measure to make good decisions. Integrity and honesty, he is always direct and straightforward. Work ethic, in everything he does, he pours himself into it; from school work to athletics. Shawn Carter Integrity, Carter is legit. If you ask him something you can expect the honest answer. His Intelligence, he works to expand his intelligence daily and is always trying to figure out how things work. Confidence, especially as he heads into his teenage years. He is really coming out of his shell. His desire to improve, in athletics for example, right now he requested to go to the gym and work on his skills five days a week, to get better and advance. Emersyn Her caring. Sh