The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Reminder: You Are Excellent! (The FRONT)



That's right! YOU... are excellent! Whatever day or time you are watching this video, I want to remind you that you are an amazing and unique being. You are excellent! In fact, stand up and tell yourself that… “I am EXCELLENT!” (You can yell it if you want to!) And for anyone that is listening, they should hear it too! So often what we do every day becomes the norm. We become numb to it.  Our abnormal, the stands outs or the things that used to be outstanding and special or amazing become normal. These become everyday mundane actions. And, they become expected. Oddly, sometimes, if someone asks us about how we are special, or different, or what we do that is excellent, sometimes it’s hard to search for the words. Because it’s how we engage and what we do every day. Let me share an example, our dealership, is in the running for an award based on customer service. Now we all would like to think we have outstanding customer service, but the customer’s experience is more than just bei