The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

10 Ways To Generate Customers As A Car Salesperson (replay) | The FRONT



This one is one of my most requested replays, on how to generate customers as a car salesperson! Here are my 10 ways to generate customers (These work for most any sales field really!) So here they are briefly recapped! Work with the people that you already have in your database or already know. Ask everyone that you meet for referrals. Social Media.  Online Video. Networking groups – join one.  Hook up with a good Realtor (start with yours!).. ALSO – Hook up with a good Insurance Agent.  OR - other salespeople in the service field! Create company purchase programs.  Use business cards the right way.  Volunteer in the local community for things you believe in. Be responsive. Thanks for checking them out! Do you have any other ideas? How do you prospect and look for customers? What are your favorite ways to connect? Let me know in the comments! Download This Episode Now!  Check out and subscribe to http://www.LeadTheTeam.TV and the shop at